Here are some of the frames before the honey was extracted.
The beeswax will also be used. We don't waste anything!
The honey has to be strained through two very fine sieves to remove any little bits of wax and any little bits of bee.
This year we bottled some of the honey in these hexagonal jars. They hold about three quarters of a pound. The other jars that we use hold a full pound.
You can look back at last year's post about harvesting honey to get some more information.
The weather has improved slightly this month over July. We get some nice sunny, even warm, days but also so much rain. Everywhere is starting to feel and look autumnal. A couple of weeks ago I took these pictures of our holly; berries already. Lots of the trees have their berries too. Some of the leaves are turning colour and starting to fall. It's been a very strange summer!
There's our wee dog hiding in the hedge!
Remember I told you about the field next to us being used as a 'maternity' field? Well, there ended up being three calves and their mothers. Here they are all together.
Look at that wee face! Love the eye patches.
They've all been moved to another field now, a bit further away. Some day the calves will be separated from their mothers and we'll have to listen to them lamenting over their loss. It's so pitiful.
Thank you all for your lovely comments about the sea glass shawl. My big blanket is finished too but I still need to block it. The thing is, I don't really know how I'm going to manage it; the blanket is enormous! Maybe this evening.
Anyway, all the best for now. Bye!